PSC Artist Relief Fund – Please SUPPORT PSC Artists and Creative Freelancers!
Join the list of GENEROUS DONORS and SUPPORT NOW – Czech info below!
Thank you! The generous response to our PSC Artist Relief Fund from our fans, supporters and many of our own artists has been just incredible! We have raised over $28,000 / 720.000CZK to support PSC artists from all over the world who have been a part of our extraordinary journey. These are unprecedented times and we want to do even more to help the many people who contribute not just on and off the stage to PSC but also all the artists and behind-the-scenes talents who enrich the City of Prague, nourishing all of our spirits with their endeavors in the creative arts.
For many in the arts the life of a freelancing artist is one of living paycheck to paycheck and cobbling together an existence from theatre, film, TV, voiceovers, teaching and other odd jobs. Many of your favorite artists have no savings, no retirement and nothing to fall back on. Even if they are physically healthy now they are at great risk because they have chosen to pursue art over security. The current COVID-19 situation will likely hit some of your favorite artists hardest. I am hoping you will join us and SUPPORT us by making a donation now to the PSC Artist Relief Fund to ensure their continued well-being.
To support everyone – both artists and behind-the-scenes talent – who are part of the rich cultural life of the City of Prague, PSC is expanding our Artist Relief Fund. 25% of all monies raised will be distributed to any freelancer who works in the creative and cultural fields and is based in the City of Prague. This includes actors; directors; designers; writers; filmmakers; stunt people; costume; prop; weapons; scenery craftsmen; technicians and behind-the-camera/scene workers for film, TV, and theatre; dancers; choreographers; photographers; visual artists; poets; musicians; composers; sculptors – the list goes on and on. If you are involved in a cultural / creative field and you are a freelancer whose livelihood depends on creative projects, then we want to help! We will send up to 4.000CZK payments to anyone based in the City of Prague who meets the qualifications below. We know this gift will not solve all your problems, but we hope at least it will help buy some groceries or medicine and make the situation a little bit easier for you so when this situation is over you can return to work in your creative field as ready as possible to continue enriching all our lives with your important efforts.
75% of all funds received will continue to go towards PSC artists in need. The remaining 25% will go to freelancers in need whose livelihood comes from creative fields based in the City of Prague.
All funds donated to the PSC Artist Relief Fund through Prague Shakespeare Company and Prague Shakespeare Company America (our affiliated US non-profit) will go directly into our Artists hands. No funds raised will go to myself or PSC operational expenses – it will ALL go directly the the people who make your life better with the art they create!
Prague Shakespeare Company as an organization is also likely to be under incredible strain in the coming days as more programs and performances are cancelled, financial resources and opportunities dry up. However there is no PSC without our Artists and other wonderfully talented and hard-working freelancers in the creative fields! They and their work are the backbone that makes us strong. Their creative juices is the fuel that inspires us all. We want this current situation to make them even stronger, more creative, and more imaginative – ready to gift their creative energies again to the world when we all emerge.
Support the PSC Artist Relief Fund by credit card, cash, checks and bank transfers. Donation Information and links below.
Thank you for the generosity of spirit you are showing by helping PSC Artists in Need! Thank you for contributing any amount to the PSC Artist Relief Fund!
Guy Roberts,
Artistic Director
Prague Shakespeare Company
CZECH Translation:
Děkujeme! Neuvěřitelná odezva podporovatelů a mnoha umělců z našich řad na založení fondu pro umělce Prague Shakespeare Company Artist Relief Fund nám vyrazila dech. Za sedm dní se nám podařilo vybrat více než 18 000$ / 450 000,- Kč, a to na podporu umělců z celého světa, kteří se stali součástí PSC. Díky současným událostem bychom však chtěli podpořit i nejenom umělce, kteří se zasadili o činnost PSC, ale i umělce, kteří svou prací obohacují Prahu.
Na základě této snahy PSC rozšiřuje svůj charitativní fond Artist Relief Fund. Počínaje dneškem, 25% veškerých vybraných prostředků půjde na podporu umělců na volné noze, pracujících v kulturní a umělecké oblasti a působících v Praze. To zahrnuje režiséry, herce, designéry, spisovatele, kaskadéry, návrháře kostýmů, scénografy, techniky a všechny, kteří pracují v zákulisí divadla nebo za kamerou, tanečníky, choreografy, fotografy, vizuální umělce, básníky, muzikanty, skladatele, sochaře a další. Pokud se angažujete na umělecké či kulturní scéně, pracujete na volné noze a vaše živobytí stojí na uměleckých projektech, chceme Vám pomoci! Každému, kdo sídlí v Praze a splňuje níže zmíněná kritéria, zašleme až 4 000,- Kč. Víme, že tato částka nedokáže vyřešit veškeré vaše problémy, ale doufáme, že se vám alespoň bude hodit na nákup potravin a léků a usnadní vám současnou krizi. Věříme, že až se situace uklidní, tak se budete moci opět postavit na vlastní nohy a vrátit se k práci na svých uměleckých projektech, připraveni pokračovat v obohacování životů nás všech svým důležitým snažením.
Počínaje dnešním dnem, 24. Března 2020, 75% výdělku půjde na potřebné umělce PSC. Zbylých 25% zašleme umělcům na volné noze, jejichž živobytí je závislé na uměleckých projektech v Praze.
Kvalifikace pro umělce, či členy týmu Prague Shakespeare Company
Každý, kdo pracoval s PSC na scéně, i mimo ní, v průběhu naší dvanáctileté historie, má nárok na finanční podporu v rámci fondu, nezávisle na jejich momentálním bydlišti, nebo míře jejich spolupráce na činnostech PSC. Každého, kdo byl součástí jakéhokoli projektu PSC, považujeme za váženého člena naší divadelní společnosti a jsme velmi vděčni za jejich přínos.
Pokud jste byl(a) součástí PSC a momentálně potřebujete finanční podporu, neváhejte kontaktovat ředitele PSC na emailové adrese a zažádejte o finační příspěvek z fondu Prague Shakespeare Company Artist Relief Fund.
Kvalifikace pro umělce pracující mimo Prague Shakespeare Company
1.) Musíte pracovat na volné noze v uměleckém oboru. Zaměstnanci organizací uměleckého a jiného sektoru nejsou kvalifikováni.
2.) Musí doložit, že v současnosti žijete v Praze, nebo zde svou uměleckou činnost provozuje.
3.) Musíte podložit svou placenou profesionální uměleckou činnost za posledních 12 měsíců. Takovým důkazem může být například uvedení vašeho jména ve filmu, či pořadu v TV, na IMDB nebo ČSFD, text vydán profesionálním zdrojem, vystoupení v profesionálním divadle, opeře, či další umělecké scéně, výstava vaší práce v galerii, či jiném veřejném místě atd. Prosíme o zaslání webového odkazu, nebo jiného důkazu vaší umělecké činnosti v emailové přihlášce o pomoc.
4.) Musíte být starší 18ti let.
5.) Musíte být schopni fakturovat, či uzavřít smlouvu o provedení práce s Prague Shakespeare Company. Upozorňujeme, že veškerá finanční podpora bude vyplacena pouze kvalifikovaným žadatelům poté, co byla vydána faktura a veškeré zaslané finanční prostředky vybrané z fondu PSC Artist Relief Fund budou považovány jako součást příjmu.
6.) Musíte souhlasit se sdílením informací o fondu PSC Artist Relief Fund na sociálních sítích s přáteli, kolegy a dalšími lidmi a pomoci tak se šířením povědomí o našem fondu.
Pokud splňujete výše uvedená kritéria, neváhejte kontaktovat ředitele PSC na emailové adrese a zažádejte o finanční příspěvek z fondu Prague Shakespeare Company Artist Relief Fund.
S růstem fondu Artist Relief Fund a vývojem momentální situace hodláme zhodnotit možnost dalšího rozšíření fondu PSC Artist Relief Fund do dalších měst a regionů s cílem podpořit co nejvíce lidí a ulehčit jejich životy v současné krizi.
Prague Shakespeare Company představuje profesionální divadelní představení, uskutečňuje workshopy, lekce a další kulturní akce nejvyšší kvality a to především v angličtině s mezinárodním souborem profesionálních divadelních umělců, s důrazem na práci Williama Shakespeara. PSC pravidelně spolupracuje s Národním divadlem, účinkuje na jevišti Stavovského divadla či na Pražském hradě v rámci Letních shakespearovských slavností.
Qualifications for Prague Shakespeare Company Artists/Team members
Anyone who has worked with PSC both on and/or off the stage in any capacity during our twelve (12) year history is eligible for financial relief through the fund regardless of where they currently live and how much or how little they participated in PSC activities. Everyone who has been a part of any PSC project is a valued member of our history and we are thankful for their contribution.
If you have been a part of the PSC story and are in need of financial relief, please contact PSC Artistic Director Guy Roberts via email at to request financial support from the Prague Shakespeare Company Artist Relief Fund.
Qualifications for NON-Prague Shakespeare Company Artists
1.) Must be a freelancer in a creative field. Employees of organizations in creative and other fields are not eligible.
2.) Must be based out of the City of Prague with a Prague area address or work primarily in the Prague area in the creative/cultural fields.
3.) Must provide proof of professional work as a freelancer in the creative field with at least one professional / paying credit within last 12 months. Examples of such credit include credits and listings on,,, for film/TV/theatre; writing published in recognized professional source; performance in a professional theatre, opera, or other performing arts venue; gallery or public exhibition of your work; etc. Please include a link or proof or professional credit in email application.
4.) Must be over 18 years old.
5.) Must have the ability to invoice Prague Shakespeare Company or sign a “dohoda” contract agreement. Please note all financial support will only be paid to a qualified individual once an invoice has been issued or a “dohoda” agreement has been signed. All “dohoda” agreements are subject to 15% tax and any money received from the PSC Artist Relief Fund will be reported as income.
6.) Must agree to share information about the PSC Artist Relief Fund on social media and with friends, colleagues and other contacts to help spread the word and raise awareness for the Fund.
If you meet the qualifications above, please contact PSC Artistic Director Guy Roberts via email at to request financial support from the Prague Shakespeare Company Artist Relief Fund.
Why should I give to the PSC Artist Relief Fund?
The world will need art, Shakespeare and compassion in the coming days. We want to help everyone realize their best possible selves and future. We all need help and we all need each other now perhaps more than ever. In tangible terms you will receive FREE admission to any Artistic event / happening that takes place in the future as a result of the creative projects generated by the PSC Artist Relief Fund and the Artists receiving financial assistance from the Fund.
Who will receive the funds?
Any person who has worked with Prague Shakespeare Company on or off the stage at any time during our twelve (12) year history and requests assistance will receive financial assistance from the PSC Artist Relief Fund. Want an example of who the PSC Artist Relief Fund is helping? Click here to see how PSC Artist Christina Johnston is giving back to her community with her art! Christina is a recipient of the PSC Artist Relief Fund!
Update: 24 March 2020: We have expanded our Relief Efforts to include any freelance professional in the creative fields based in the Prague, Czech Republic area! 25% of ALL funds raised will go these individuals. The remaining 75 of funds raised will continue to go to PSC Artists around the world!
How will the funds be divided and distributed?
The funds will be distributed evenly among all Artists who are part of the program. Funds will be distributed via bank transfer in the Czech Republic and by electronic check in the United States. Please note any funds received will be considered income.
Why can’t I donate through Facebook and other established online giving platforms?
Facebook and other online giving platforms are GREAT! We fully support them. However in this moment when time is of the essence, we want to get your donations into the hands of our Artists as soon as possible. Many of those other mechanisms for donating have turnaround times of 45-75 days before the money is distributed. By donating directing to Prague Shakespeare Company and Prague Shakespeare Company America you can be sure that we will get donated funds directly to the artists AS SOON AS POSSIBLE without delay!
If I am a PSC Artist how do I join the PSC Artist Relief Fund to get help?
If you are in need do not feel ANY shame or embarrassment if you need a little extra help now! Email PSC Artistic Director Guy Roberts ASAP and he will personally get you signed up on our list of PSC Artists in Need.
What are the conditions and expectations if I receive funds?
If you receive money from us as part of the PSC Artist Relief Fund, this is what we will ask in exchange:
1.) Understand the first condition is there are NO CONDITIONS – there are NO strings attached. Use the money for whatever you need it for most – rent, food, diapers, medicine, bills, books, art supplies, etc. You know what you need better than we do, so spend the money as you see fit. We will never ask you what the money was spent on. You are also free to take the money and give NOTHING BACK IN EXCHANGE.
2.) Use this time to get your life in order – connect and spend time with your family (and those in your home as we all quarantine), practice self care, start exercising, clean out your closets, write letters to loved ones, learn to meditate, do all the little things you have been putting off and were not able to do because you have been chasing jobs and money to pay bills. Use this as an opportunity to connect and strengthen family and community bonds.
3.) Recharge your batteries – especially creatively – nourish your mind and creative spirit – read, imagine, dream.
4.) Take action – “action is eloquence” – Finally after you pay attention to your self, your family and your own important needs, let your imagination begin to fire your creativity. Use this time to create a new piece of art and cultivate new skills and passions – write, paint, draw, sing, make music, film something – create an amazing new theatre piece!
What will happen once the current situation is over?
Once this is all over and we all emerge from our isolation, if you have received any money from us and if you have created something that is of value to you and perhaps others, and if you are comfortable with the idea, Prague Shakespeare Company will be honored to share your creative output with the world in celebration of you and your rich artistic abilities. Who knows what the result will be? An evening, a weekend, a month, a year – of performances, readings, exhibitions, screenings – it doesn’t matter. We will proudly share your creative and artistic endeavors while you and all of us were in isolation. And any proceeds and profits will go to YOU – so your creativity will keep on paying!
How To Give:
Donation Information – from the Czech Republic and Europe
In the Czech Republic, sponsorships and donations to the PSC Artist Relief Fund may be made through our registered Czech z.u. NGO, Prague Shakespeare Company. In the Czech Republic, individuals may deduct the amount of donation if the total is more than 1.000,- Kč up to 10% of the individual’s tax base. Corporations may deduct the amount of donation if the total is more than 2.000,- Kč up to 5% of the corporation’s tax base. Contributions to Prague Shakespeare Company may be made via bank transfer or cash.
Support the Prague Shakespeare Company Artist Relief Fund and make a donation TODAY – online below or via bank transfer. Please note ALL donations to PSC must be made in Czech Koruna – CZK. Note: Current Exchange rates average $1 = 23CZK ($1,000 = 23000CZK)
For donation via bank transfer, our account information is below – please make a note “Donation PSC Artist Relief Fund” and the name of the individual if the donation is in honor of in the transfer details section.
Prague Shakespeare Company, z. ú.
Bank account number: 107-9103180287
Bank code: 0100
IBAN: CZ3901000001079103180287
Komerční banka, a. s.
Na Příkopě 33/969, Praha 1, 114 07
To make a Donation using a credit card please see below and make a donation through PSC America. Click HERE to make a donation to the PSC Artist Relief Fund with a Credit Card using PayPal
Email for more details on making a donation from the Czech Republic and Europe.
Donation Information – from the United States – Prague Shakespeare Company America
For our friends in the United States, donations made in support of the PSC Artist Relief Fund, through our American 501(c)(3) non-profit partner, PRAGUE SHAKESPEARE COMPANY AMERICA, are fully tax-deductible under the IRS US Tax-code.
MISSION STATEMENT – Prague Shakespeare Company America
The Mission of Prague Shakespeare Company America is to support the work of the Prague Shakespeare Company in the Czech Republic, the United States and throughout the world.
PRIMARY ACTIVITY – Prague Shakespeare Company America
The purpose of Prague Shakespeare Company America (PSCA) is to provide American support for core objectives of the Prague Shakespeare Company, including the development of PSC’s work in the Czech Republic and productions in the United States. It aims to:
• Promote the programs of PSC in the United States
• Raise funs to support PSC core objectives
• Encourage participation in PSC productions in the US and Czech Republic
• Cultivate new volunteers and supports
To make a donation, send check(s) made out to Prague Shakespeare Company America with a note, in support of PSC Artist Relief Fund to:
Prague Shakespeare Company America
1111 North Country Club Drive
Shoreacres, TX 77571
Click HERE to make a donation to the PSC Artist Relief Fund with a Credit Card using PayPal
Email for more details on making a donation from the United States.
Adrian Havens
Alex Pfeffer
Annie Meek
Anonymous (3 donors)
Begum Burian
Bethany Dockalova
Beverly Beaudreault
Bob Boudreaux
Buffy and Ian Manners
Cathy Meils
Cheryl and Rusty Boone
Chip Persons
Corinne Marian Tripp
David Gibson
Debs Ramser
Deigo Digiovanni
Dell Computer
Denis McCarthy
Diane & Kevin Wilshere
Ed Kliman
Elizabeth Wunderlich
Erin Kotheimer
Eugene Gabriel Axinte
Gerard Francis Armst
Grant Podelco
Guy Roberts
Ian Manners
Irwin Appel and Julie Fischell
Jeffrey Green
Jessica Boone
Jill McConnell
Carolyn and Jim Johnson
Jody Steinke
John Gaynor
Justin O’Brien
Karel Hermanek and Nikol Heřmánková Kouklová
Katherine Ritcheske
Katie Steele Brokaw
Kevin Karwoski
Lee Sammons
Leisl Jensen
Madeline Cox
Mary Lowry
Megan Muenier
Mermaid Productions s.r.o.
Michael Downey
Michael Medico
Michael Novak
Owen Lindsay
Patrick Doyle
Paul Prescott
Pepijn Helgers
Peter Robertson
Phil Varney
Prague Shakespeare Company
Rafe Judkins
Rebecca Goodheart
Rebecca Skupin
Ron Severdia
Rosalind Miranda
Rutherford Cravens
Scott Jackson
Steve Zinkgraf
Suzanne Dean
Taylor Napier
Terry & Pat McElroy
Vernon Brown